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Friday 22 March 2013

How to change accountants - it's easy!

One of the most common questions I get asked by potential clients and people referring them to me is whether it is easy to change accountants. The good news is YES! It is very easy and straight-forward to change accountants.

Unfortunately a lot of people believe that their tax and financial matters are too complicated or hard to understand for a new accountant, so they keep going back to see the same accountant year after year even though they are unhappy. You do not need to be unhappy anymore!

A good accountant should be able to get a general idea of your tax affairs from looking through your most recent tax returns and financial statements. Then after meeting with you and asking questions about what you want to achieve, both personally and with your business, they should be ready to look after you.

Contact me now for a free chat or meeting about how I can help with your tax and business matters because...

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